3 Tips for Constructing a Small Wine Cellar

Modern design and clever construction have made it possible to transform residential and commercial spaces into tasteful wine rooms, wine walls, and wine caves. Limited square footage dedicated to smaller collections are no exception. In fact, with knowledge, experienced support and the right cooling technology, a small wine storage vision can become a reality in your home or place of business.

Calculate Wine Storage Potential

A terrific first step when contemplating the right cooling system to store and age wine is using Wine Guardian’s wine cellar cooling calculator, which offers recommendations for small wine cellar solutions depending upon your requirements. The calculator’s “advanced mode” is appropriate when more in-depth design and construction parameters have been set.

It is important not to select a wine cellar cooling unit that has too much capacity for a small wine cellar. A unit that is too powerful may cool the area too quickly to dehumidify the air properly. The air will hold more moisture than it should and can affect the ideal humidity for wine storage, which should hold steady between 50-70%. Too much humidity causes mold and glue on labels to break down.

For more: 3 Tips for Constructing a Small Wine Cellar


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